Kategorie: Aktivitäten in der Praxis Dachverbände English Activities Internationale Aktivitäten

The International Society for Animal-Assisted Therapy, ISAAT, was officially founded in Zurich on 11 November 2006 by representatives from universities and private institutions in Japan, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland.

Goals of the society are

1) to ensure the quality control of public and private institutions which offer continuing education/training in animal-assisted therapy, animal-assisted pedagogy and animal-assisted activities to benefit people, by establishing an independent approval procedure

2) to promote official recognition of

  1. a) animal-assisted therapy as a valid therapeutic intervention
  2. b) animal-assisted pedagogy as a proven method, and
  3. c) animal-assisted activities as a simple, but throughout the history of mankind often used activity for salutogenesis (remaining healthy)

3) to attain official recognition of persons, who have studied in such institutions, either as animal-assisted therapists/counsellors, animal-assisted pedagogues, or as specialists for animal-assisted activities.


Dr. Dennis C. Turner
Secretary of ISAAT
Animal Behavior
University of Zurich-Irchel
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich